Electric mountain biking on snow: introduction
Office de tourisme du Grand-Bornand Village
62 place de l'Eglise
BP 11
Le Grand-Bornand Village
Le Grand-Bornand

The mountain bike with electric assistance on snow in Le Grand-Bornand: 100% pleasure, new activity, new sensations, with our 27.5+ ATVs with large under-inflated tires. Excursion supervised by a mountain bike guide.
- Après ski outing from 17:30 to 18:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays
Other sessions on request minimum 3 people.
- Outing of 2h/2h30 on request. Discover our massif and fill up with sensations! Minimum 4 people.
Other sessions on request minimum 3 people.
- Outing of 2h/2h30 on request. Discover our massif and fill up with sensations! Minimum 4 people.
Mimimum size 1.55 m.
Qualified supervision, technical and customised follow up.
Wear a pair of warm gloves (no mittens), warm clothes (as when skiing) and a pair of warm shoes. This activity depends on the snow conditions and the grooming of the route!
Qualified supervision, technical and customised follow up.
Wear a pair of warm gloves (no mittens), warm clothes (as when skiing) and a pair of warm shoes. This activity depends on the snow conditions and the grooming of the route!
From 22/12/2024 to 31/03/2025, daily.
Subject to favorable weather. On demand.
Subject to favorable weather. On demand.
In summary
- Reception :
- French
- English
- SITRA services :
- 13 yrs old min
- 8 Groups accepted
- 4 Services
- Type of activity :
- Accompanied
- Activities information :
- Duration (minutes) 120
- Place Office de tourisme du Grand-Bornand Village
62 place de l'Eglise
BP 11
Le Grand-Bornand
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 45.941858
Longitude : 6.427656
One price: 50 to 75 €.
Electrically assisted mountain bike and helmet included.
Discovery outing on snow (2h30) : 75 € (easy to medium level)
Heritage and discovery outing (1h30) : 50 € (easy level).
Electrically assisted mountain bike and helmet included.
Discovery outing on snow (2h30) : 75 € (easy to medium level)
Heritage and discovery outing (1h30) : 50 € (easy level).
- Method of payment :
- Bank/credit card
- Cheque
- Cash
- Ch
- Credit transfer
View also
04 50 02 78 00
The practice of Fat bike (ATV equipped with wheels for snow) is freely available on the path racket / pedestrian No. 30 ("Promenade du Borne" in the Village), 19 (Les Troncs to Potais) and 25,37,38 and 39 in Chinaillon.
06 60 78 46 18
Live a mountain biking experience as you like it.
Outings, lessons, courses, beginner, improver, family walks.
Throughout the year: cross-country, all mountain, endurance, downhill, electric mountain biking and fat biking.