Fitness and wellness

04 50 02 78 17
Snowshoeing and yoga, taking the time to enjoy life's simple pleasures, listening to one's body through various poses, focused breathing, letting yourself go with each exhalation, simply being and becoming one with the winter wilderness.
04 50 02 79 06
Aqua fitness sessions of 45 min.
06 44 01 79 07
A practice space in the heart of the Aravis mountains to discover to offer yourself a parenthesis of well-being, to reconnect with your body, your breath and your spirit. All levels accepted. Throughout the seasons: themed workshops, yoga in nature, private classes.
04 50 02 79 06
Aquabiking helps muscle building and contributes to cardiovascular and respiratory system development. Movements in water and hydrostatic pressure stimulate blood circulation. The sessions driven by music are challenging.
04 50 02 31 12
Give yourself a break to tone your body and soothe your mind through yoga.
04 50 02 31 12
Optimize your gestures and your efforts thanks to this playful and progressive technique in order to gain flexibility and free yourself from the tensions accumulated over time.
04 50 02 31 12
Let yourself be guided and share your time between relaxing on your carpet and discovering the most beautiful itineraries of our massif. A unique sporting experience, at the source of your being.
06 44 01 79 07
Share a moment of complicity and relaxation with your child, in a joyful and playful spirit. An interlude of calm and well-being to share a moment with your family and awaken the child in you!
06 44 01 79 07
Toumo ("heat, inner fire" in Tibetan) is a Tibetan-inspired practice that pushes the limits of resistance to cold and purifies the body in depth.
06 44 01 79 07
A moment of calm and well-being to let go and recharge your batteries in an exceptional setting. Practicing yoga in the open air is to connect fully to oneself, to nature and to the elements that surround us. Hiking / Yoga or biking / Yoga weekends.
04 50 02 31 12
In relationship with the principles of chinese energetics, Qi Gong associates slow moves and respiration technics to free your body and spirit from daily stress and make you taste well being and relaxation.
06 44 01 79 07
(R)awaken your senses at the summit of Le Lachat with an unforgettable morning yoga session! Board the Lachat chairlift before it opens to the public. The contemplative terrace awaits you for your gentle yet dynamic yoga class in a privileged setting.